Monday, September 22, 2014

Thought Experiment

  • What if your mouth was a big nostril and your nostrils were actually two little mouths? Would you always puke out your nose then?
  • What if the oceans and their inhabitants defied gravity and floated into the atmosphere and gave the Earth a watery shell?
  • What if our skeletal systems were made of that water/corn starch mixture we played around with as kids and the only way for your body to keep its structure was to be in constant motion?
  • What if we could filter in all the nutrients we need to survive from our surrounding environment like a sea sponge? Would we eat just for the fun of it? Could we filter-feed everything we need for the week while we sleep?
  • What if our knees could bend forwards as well as backwards?
  • What if your fingers were toes and your toes were fingers? Would it be easier to stand on your tippy… fingers?
  • What if raindrops could speak as they fell from the sky? Would it be like someone’s reaction to skydiving?


  1. You seem to be interested in a lot of bodily questions.

  2. Love the idea of screaming rain drops. When the first rain drop came down, you would kind of hear a faint screaming in the distance, and it would slowly get louder, then crescendo as you feel a light drop of water on your arm.

  3. like the rain drops falling as well. Do the rain drops die when they hit the ground?

  4. The nostril one is gross but intriguing
