Wednesday, September 10, 2014


There is a stereotype towards Latinos in the media that portray them as being inferior. They are portrayed as poor, working in low-class jobs, as gang members, and as illegals. As I researched Latin portrayal in the media, I found an overwhelming amount of evidence that supported this "single story".

They are often portrayed in the media working in low-class jobs. Men working as construction workers,  gardeners, and farmers. And women as hotel maids. This common misconception only leaves                                                                                         people thinking that the only field that Latin's can                                                                                        and should work in, are those of lesser value.

The growing number of Latins in America bring many to question if they are here legally or not. Most, if not all, have crossed the border in hopes of a better life. However, the media portrays them as taking jobs away from Americans and ruining the economy.

These messages are very limiting because not all Latins are illegal immigrants. Many work hard to come to the United States lawfully and have since worked to provide for their well-being and their family's well-being.  I believe that the mainstream media is responsible for the mass perception of many things, including social groups, individuals, conflicts, and events. The way the media chooses to portray certain things only feeds these stereotypes, whether they be positive or negative, and it resonates with the masses.

There are several misconceptions about Latins and/or Mexicans and I feel that these misconceptions make up their "single story". This story is what gets beat into our heads over and over again as we read the newspaper and watch television. Somehow a picture has gotten painted that Latins are somehow of lesser value, and although it is true that many have entered into the United States illegally, it's because they are searching for a better life, which is something I think everyone wants.


  1. The first thing I thought of when I read this was this clip from Fun With Dick and Jane:
    Latinos really are single storied in the media more than I realized!

  2. I loved your post! I must admit I was totally guilty of these stereotypes for the longest time...and then my brother married a girl from Peru. As I grew to love her, her family, and her friends, I realized I'd been completely wrong in my assumptions. I'm grateful for my sister-in-law for helping me change my perspective on her culture!

  3. i wrote a similar post, and found this one after i published it. this is very true, the perception that all hispanics are illegal, and all hispanics are mexican. i once saw this video where some people were protesting immigration and one of the people asked the hispanic camera man where was his prove that he was legal, to which the camera man asked him the same question in retort. the guy just pointed to his skin, emphasizing that because he was white that he was legal. and yet, so many immigrants are european, and so many hispanics are also white. people are ridiculous. thanks for the post.
