Monday, March 28, 2016

Font- Hayden Young

    There could be a place for this font but I don't know what that it is. It is a font that is overused by many people. The sign masse me laugh, so I thought I would share it. My mom is guilty of using this font as her standard font and I tease her for it. She uses it because she says, "It's cute!" I am sure there is a proper usage for this font but like the video in class that we watched in class said, "there is no bad typeface just bad typography.


  1. You're so right Hayden. This font is overused, it can only be used as a joke now or bad typography.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. This is my mom's go to font as well! I've tried to get her to switch so many times...still haven't had any success. I feel your pain ;)
