Saturday, March 5, 2016


I have quite a few favorite spots downtown, places where I've explored and found funny restaurants and businesses, places where I've taken pictures of people, and places where I've discovered artwork like big pixellated murals of Steve Jobs & Albert Einstein. I love to explore, and I was excited to find several cool things during this weekend's walkabout.

I found myself going through alleyways and exploring what was stored behind the buildings on Center street and 100 N. On one corner I found the most beautiful motorcycle I have ever seen. I've never had a reaction like this before for a bike or car or anything, but as soon as I saw it I wanted it for myself. The army green paint color scheme looked beautiful, and I was obsessing over the Japanese characters and the hello kitty motif on the front end. It was unexpected and unconventional for Provo, and I loved it.
While a bit hard to make out, this wall has a message scribbled in: 
The change from 
UnUsual makes
US BeautifuL"

I've never been inside the City Limits bar on Center street near 500 W, nor do I plan to. I've walked past many times. While exploring behind that block of buildings I found the backdoor to the bar wide open, and so I took a moment to peek inside.

While perusing through one of the pawn shops on Center Street, originally looking for used camera equipment, I laughed at the collection of Barbie dolls on top of a shelf in the power tools section.

This is the Provo City Center complex, where the city offices and police station are all located. On top of the building on the left is some kind of yellow siren, I'm not sure what it is. It immediately reminded me of the horn the Angel Moroni carries on top of the new City Center Temple, which can be seen in the background near the center. The two yellow horn shaped things on top of buildings, pointing in opposite directions, made me laugh as well.

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