Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Equal playing field?

When I first glanced at this image I was under the impression that it was representing that both man and woman are on the same playing field and now compete against each other in the business world.  I interpret that since they are both starting from the same spot at the same time that they are both given equal opportunities to achieve.  But as I continue to analyze the picture, I realize that the woman is at a disadvantage. One, because of the way she is dressed (in heals and a dress) and two, because typically men are faster than women because of their strength and genetic makeup.  Although they are starting at the same position, it still makes me think that it is unfair competition.  The photo is actually part of an article discussing the hidden gender discrimination in the work place.  It focuses in on a study revealing that 52% of women (versus 9% of men) feel discrimination based on gender at work.  It is assumed that this is what people think when they see this image.  But who says she couldn't win?  We don't know that.  Why is she considered less capable just because she is a female?  I wonder if the same would be assumed if she were dressed more like the male--in another outfit that didn't restrict movement with shoes more suitable for walking distances... My analysis is that this picture has two meanings: the obvious and most common assumption of the woman's disadvantage or the optimistic viewpoint of equal opportunity in the workforce; that women and men now stand by each other competing against one another in the same outlets.

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