Tuesday, July 14, 2015


I created a simple image for the call to action phrase "Seek to Uplift". I chose a clear, basic, easy to read font for the words "seek to" and placed them at the bottom of the image to show that this is the beginning point and supporting action. When we seek to do something, we are planting the desire and we will cultivate it and make it come to life. I added the image of a red flower to catch the eye and also illustrate the beauty and growth that comes from the phrase. I arranged the letters of the word "uplift" to make it look like it was floating up out of the flower, just as one "blooms" when they are uplifted. I chose the dotted font for the word "uplift" to make it look like subtle and natural coming out of the flower. When we seek to uplift others through encouragement and praise, we help them grow and rise to their potential- just as this image illustrates.

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