Monday, October 26, 2015

Jeep Ad

As I thought about what to do for this assignment I walked through a parking lot, and realized the easy recognition of car brands, and car shapes. I thought of car brands trying to think of one with a easily recognized shape or logo, and Jeep came to my mind as I thought of its shape and front bumper. As iconic as the Jeep's shape is its likeness to off-roading, and rough terrain, like snow. Rather than use color, I chose a spectrum of black to white to represent a snow storm likely to house Jeep off-roaders, and show the memorable bumper and headlights of Jeep. To treat it more like an ad I added the company logo and a quick headline to give it context and meaning. Although present I intended to make all copy as hidden as possible to help allude to the hard visibility in winter storms, juxtaposed to the boldness of Jeep's snow-handling wonder. The representation of the Jeep was easy to create as simply two circles split between seven thin dark lines. Although separately they don't mean much, in this grouping and with the help of the logo, the idea is simply understood.

I think this same idea can be altered with color to be presented in other rough terrains where jeep drivers might find themselves. 

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