Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Art by Accident

I promise I did not do this.  I was just walking next to a business and I found these rocks arranged in a circle...maybe some child had arranged them that way but I guess we will never know!

 To me, this pile of leaves looked awfully close to the lowercase letter t!

This one is called the milky way!  Who knew that ice cream could be art?  I found this very interesting looking but also sad for the poor person who dropped a perfectly delicious ice cream cone.

I found this on the side of a cement wall.  I am not sure what the streaks are.  When I was examining it I realized that it could be paint but also it could just be a lot of residue build up through the years. 

The three stages of gum.  I found it very interesting that the piece of gum was never opened but yet in some way was able to get opened.

This tire mark reminded me of a soccer ball for some reason.  I found it behind the Provo track.

This is the rust on an old garage door.  I love the combination of colors used.  

This is actually a rusted step from the bleachers at Provo High School.  

 This is a pictures of a railing that has so many paint layers that it makes many cool color combinations.  The pink that stands out is very beautiful.

This is a bleacher stair with the black marker coming off.  For some reason it reminds me of a cow but I love trying to decipher what the shapes are.

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