Saturday, December 21, 2013

Are We There Yet?

            Having never used photoshop in my life before this project, I was eager to watch tutorials and read instructions on how to use the technical design program. I was thrilled to learn new skills as a result of this project and watch the visions in my head become a reality.
A distinctive element of design in my project is the way I played with a horizontal “rule of thirds” through the faded images on the first and second billboards. The image is cut into three parts as each progressing board completes the whole. It is more common to see the rule of thirds in a vertical aspect, which is why I thought to try it horizontally instead.
Another element I incorporated into the billboard campaign is typography.  I used a curly, almost-cursive font because I believe it emulates the sophistication of London, while still very readable because it is sans-serif and massive. There is also type used in the logo at the bottom of each billboard that reads “Delta” in the company’s stiff, block letters.
One more element I consciously used in the billboard project is asymmetrical balance. Big Ben is located on the far left side of the board and is the tallest object of the background picture. The rest of the background consists of a bridge and buildings that only raise about a third of the way up the page horizontally. The balance is achieved through the contrast of weight throughout the billboard.
With the way the skyline of London is progressively completed in each frame, I tried to create anticipation for the end product. The words “Are we there yet” demonstrate anticipation of what is to come.  Those two elements of anticipation combined help reach the goal of captivating the viewers’ attention. Delta is an airline that travels nationally and internationally. I chose a background of London because it is an easily identifiable landmark and won the vote as a place people wanted to visit the most when I conducted primary research. The ultimate goal I am trying to achieve is to get viewers to travel with Delta airlines. Simply seeing on the billboards that Delta flies to this beautiful, historic city should trigger emotions of hope to visit there someday. That emotion of hope and desire will be tied to Delta airlines as a result of this advertisement.

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