Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Final Project: PCMR

For my final project I decided to make three advertisements for Park City Mountain Resort.  My goal was to promote the ski resort by announcing that they have been in business for 50 years.  The pictures I choose were of old people skiing with the tagline "Age is just a number" and headlines "He still got it, We still got it",  "Rode PC, Still rides PC", and "Founding father of the mountain"  I chose these to go with the theme that PCMR has only gotten better with age.  I wanted to create a vintage feeling in my ads so they look like they could have been seen 50 years ago.  To achieve my goal I used color, typography and composition.  I used the red Park City uses in the logo to highlight important parts of the ad such as the headline, product (Park City Mountain Resort), and 50.  The red creates a bold contrast in comparison to the other black and white text.  When it came to typography I wanted to use fonts that were similar to the ones used 50 years ago to go along with my vintage theme. I also changed the kerning and tracking on the fonts to make them more visually pleasing. When it came to the composition I choose one that was vintage looking to go with my vintage theme.  The composition also plays Gestalts principles of closure and proximity. 

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