Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Composition Photography

In my first photo attempt I looked for unique expressions of radial symmetry in architecture. I discovered that it can be found in everything. I wanted to try to find something that is not common. While at the library I looked up in the atrium and realized the awesome perspective and incorporation of radial symmetry. Had I used a better quality camera, I could have been able to explore the the long depth of field and perhaps focus on the sky seen through the windows.

 My second attempt was a photo that I took of my daughter playing on our kitchen table with wheat. I wanted to use a completely natural setting with a new perspective to understand the possibilities of the rules of three. My daughter occupies the third farthest to the right and toward the bottom. In some ways the photo could be perceived as asymmetrical balance as the wood of the table and my daughter and her wheat occupy similar portions of the composition.

Finally, I took a picture of the stairs in the HBLL from beneath. It demonstrates a bilateral symmetry as it can be divided into two planes. Again, the use of a higher quality camera would allow me to explore the long depth.

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