Monday, October 28, 2013

Halloween party pictures

This first picture is of my little niece's shoes. She is a little diva and saw me taking pictures and couldn't wait to pose for me. In this pictures we see how the front foot is in focus but the back foot is blurry. Also we see asymmetrical balance with the feet pointing opposite directions, the pillow poking into the picture, and the half of the flip flop out of the picture. It all seems to add up and feel very balanced.

In this one my little nephew is out of focus in the foreground and my wife is in focus in the background. This is great example of asymmetrical balance with my nephew on the left and my wife on the right it balances out quite nicely.

My beautiful wife is the in the foreground and is focused and my brother-in-law with my nephew is out of focus in the background. This again is asymmetrical balance with my wife on the left and my nephew on the right.

All of these pictures I made sure to use the rules of thirds and make it more aesthetically pleasing to the eye.

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