Monday, October 28, 2013

This is a demonstration of radial symmetry. I was wanting to go take some pictures outside for this project but I passed our gas stove on the way out. I thought this was a perfect example of radial symmetry in our every day lives. A gas stove built around a central axis.
(it's not exactly the cleanest stove...)

For the second composition I looked for bilateral symmetry. There is SO much you can find with bilateral symmetry in our everyday lives. This was one I found at a park near by. If you study children's parks they are FULL of symmetry. 
This part of the playground is so very symmetrical you could slice it in half. 

For the last one of asymmetry I was debating which one to use. Out of all the pictures I took I found this one is the best example of asymmetry because it isn't exactly something you can slice in half and have it completely symmetrical. There is a balancing point though in that both sides seem to be of equal weight. 
At first I took a picture of it thinking it could be bilateral but after much study both sides are not identical but yet there is so much balance because of the weight on each side. 

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