Tuesday, October 15, 2013

5 Redneck artifacts and Sterotypes


Redneck: Noun; an uneducated white farm laborer, especially from the South. (dictionary.com)

With a lot of stereotypes in the world, rednecks is another one. Stereotypes are can be harmful but that doesn't stop people from using stereotypes as jokes. 

Here are five articles that go along with the minority group known as rednecks.

Clothing. Usually overalls and flannel.

Hygiene. Is usually very poor. Especially their teeth and hair. 

They all love NASCAR. NASCAR is known as the redneck sport. 

Low education. It's stereotyped that rednecks are not well edumacated. 

They are also known for being politically correct. 
(This is a popular meme)

1 comment:

  1. I did hicks, a very close relative to rednecks. I think you got to know that there are a lot of positive things about them. Check my post.
