Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Hicks. They’re typically conservative, caucausian and hail from rural areas, especially in the midwest. They fit the typical American sterotype, loving nascar and guns. Football is essential in their eyes as are mullets, hunting and budwiser. They don’t accept nothin’ but the truth  (and the government is hiding it) and they ain’t gonna accept no Obamacare. Typically a hick can be seen living in a trailer park or mobile home with an 80s or 90s camero and a Ford F-150 parked outside.

What you didn’t know about hicks is that they’re geniuses. They have ways of fixing problems that the average american wouldn’t ever think of. Like Christmas trees made from re-used post-consumer products that we not going to go to other uses (though they’d never word it that way, thats how the dang city-dwellin’ environmentalists say it). They also are very good at their trades, and in all seriousness they aren’t easy. Painting, plumbing, framing and other trades all come with their difficult tasks and have to be learned from years of experience. Hicks are also usually good with their hands- they can clean a gun, chop down a tree, shift from second to third in a tenth of a second in their drag racers and tell really good stories about their childhood.

Hicks are often conservative republicans, advocating for less government regulation and more free trade. They want to preserve American freedom and their homes and their families. They care about their neighbors, their children and their safety. They want a good future for the next generation and are fine voicing their opinion about it. This group has come under fire recently for the government shut-down, as a recent survey from the Philidelphia Business Journal pointed out. Roughly 58% of those surveyed said that congressional republicans were to blame while only 14% answered democrats (14% said Obama and 23% said all of the above). This issue has really created a division between rural americans (of which hicks dominate) and city-dwellers. 

Another interesting artifacts are the sponsors at events hicks can be seen at. DeWalt, Budwiser and Caterpillar are major sponsors, implying that hicks are seen as people who watch nascar, use tools, work construction and drink beer.

Personally, I think hicks are generalized too much. There are such amazing people that live in rural settings who work hard, play hard, care about their family and look out for others. They have a negative sterotype, but like all groups are sometimes judged too quickly and hated on. I work as a tradesman and see these types of people every day and can see their character, and it is good.

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