Thursday, September 12, 2013

Accidental Art: Potato Chips

For some reason, my creativity seems to revolve around food. Although I was keeping my eye out for accidental art whenever I was walking outside, I found my accidental art in an unexpected place: a bag of potato chips! This was a good reminder for me that creativity and art do not have to be manifested in the stereotyped forms like painting, drawing, sculpting, or even making music. Art is so much about our individual perception. An object meant to be consumed for energy and nutrition (or maybe not so nutritious in this case... ;)) can be a work of art that also serves as a reminder for us to love one another.


  1. I love food! And I love that someone else realizes that food is definitely art! It's funny the kind of things you can see, the connections you can make with any object, when you're looking hard enough. Even a heart potato chip!

  2. That's awesome! I think all art should be made of food! But that's cool you just found that I need to start checking out my potato chips.

  3. I love food and, as weird as it sounds, I really enjoy watching Food Network since I was little. You can definitely make art out of food. This is the best type of art because you can eat it afterwards!

  4. I once found a potato chip chaped like George Washington... Love it.

  5. I once found a potato chip chaped like George Washington... Love it.

  6. That's an awesome find. Way to find art in the simplest of things!

  7. I can relate to the food thing! Good reminder that art is everywhere... love this!

  8. I love how you mentioned that art is all about individual perception. I couldn't agree more!! Art comes in many different forms. Thats what makes it so beautiful and creative!

  9. This is precious! "My creativity seems to evolve around food"... haha classic because I feel the same way. I love food. I appreciate this post.

  10. Food is creative in so many ways and frankly potato chips are romantic so this is a very fitting find. This is probably something we run into and miss all the time.

  11. Nice work. I think food is always connected with creativity. I like you picture too.

  12. Great picture. I really like the background you chose to shoot the potato chip on.

  13. I love what you wrote, "Art is so much about our individual perception". That is so true. What someone may call art, someone else may not but that is what makes it so cool. We are all able to view it as we may.

  14. This reminds me of a certain tree which leaves are also "heart" shaped. We know an actual heart isn't shaped anything like that, but it's the way we have interpreted it to look. So that's cool a potato chip came out in that shape.

  15. I can totally see the heart but I can also see a mouse head. If you look to the pointy part of the 'heart' you can see where two air bubbles were that have left to little circles which could be mouse eyes. The bumps of the heart could instead be the mouse's ears.
