Thursday, September 12, 2013

Wandering with wanderlust.

Wanderlust(n): A very strong or irresistible desire to travel.

This is a sickness that affects many each year, myself included. So many seek to explore to not only understand the world, but themselves as well. I think it comes from not belonging. Feeling like you don't quite fit in. It's not a bad thing, it's just a thing.

I knew instantly which assignment was best suited for me, and felt that tingling sensation that I get when I'm about to go on a new adventure.

I set out with no purpose in mind, just to get away from the world and to explore. To ignore the deadlines, the  stress, the fear, all of it. I started at the lake. 

I started to wander, not only physically, but mentally as well. My mind began to think of all the things I needed to do and everything that I was putting off to be there, doing absolutely nothing but walking. This seems to be a natural occurrence in our society today. We are high strung and weighed down by the daunting inevitability of our lives. We go from one confined brick wall classroom to the next, attempting to learn everything we can, only to bring us back to a similarly confined brick wall office. Yet everything we need to know is right outside. I shrugged off the weight of my life one responsibility at a time to just enjoy the tranquil moment I was having then.

As I lost all sense of direction and control on my journey, I stumbled upon a remarkable secret garden I never thought could exist.

Hidden in between trees was what reminded me of a fairie garden. Little purple flowers everywhere that seemed so out of place, yet held such importance for its surroundings. It brought back childhood memories of playing with hydrangea bushes and turning them into fairie houses. Of my mom weaving me a flower crown to go with my little bridesmaids dress, and my thinking I was a princess because only princesses wore flower crowns. It made me think of the time I wanted to be a fairie, and prayed so hard that Heavenly Father would turn me into one so I could play all day. It brought back innocence, peace, and childlike wonderment. My wanderings brought wonder.

Savannah Bassett


  1. I love the concept of wanderlust. Great story!

  2. First of all, I love the term "wanderlust" because I feel like I definitely have it as well. Such a great write up that you had, and I loved the way you went about this assignment!

  3. What a cool place to find yourself! I liked your emphasis on just the aimlessness of it all. We really do live in a world where wandering is non-existent; everything just has to be planned out. Way to break the norm!

  4. I wonder what the world would be like if we all had Wanderlust all the time.
