Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Accidental Art: The Encroachment

Everything man-made to at least some degree, displaces nature. Every building, light post, park bench, or house changes the very nature of nature. While taking many pictures of what I had determined to be accidental art I came across these two images. Both images tell the story of encroachment. Clear bordered lines separate the organic from the inorganic. Looking at the images, one could argue that the ground appears to be a nuisance as it settles, causing cracks in the once-level asphalt. The weather and rain have rusted the perfectly painted box and nature is clearly encroaching. I am not an environmentalist per se, but staring at these images I couldn't help but think about another possibility. Perhaps nature isn't encroaching at all, perhaps nature is merely trying to replace what was displaced: nature. 


  1. Great thought process. Thanks for sharing.

  2. Excellent observation about nature

  3. Your first picture might be my favorite post. I read your title and saw it and thought something completely different but loved the image. When I read your interpretation it made a lot of sense. Really good perspective.

  4. I love your thoughts on this. I often think about this and feel guilty for "displacing" the original inhabitants when I am freaking out over a spider in my house or something. It makes you really look at nature differently.

  5. Nature is fighting back. Not really, but it's crazy how sometimes plants and other things find their way into man made objects.
