Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Jay-Z and the Bull

According to the lyrics of the famous song, The Empire State of Mind, The streets of New York "will make you feel brand new (and) big lights will inspire you, let's hear it for New York". I have been to New York a couple of times and when I hear this song my imagination runs wild with images of dirty streets, high bronze skyscrapers, and people from everywhere.

However, when you analyze this song further, Jay-Z speaks more truth by saying, "eight million stories out there, and they're naked. Cities is a pity, half of y'all won't make it". 

What does this line in the song really mean?

Like Jay-Z says, New York is a harsh city where many people don't make it. People are trying to survive in such a big city, and financially they either fight or die.

What does all this have to do with the charging bull in New York?

The charging bull is a signifier for a lot of things.

First, look at its stance. It is not in a passive stance, but rather an attacking/charging stance. It is crouched down with a eyes that are wide open and ready to hit the target. The body of the bull is not a thick and fat body, rather it is a skinny bull that is looking to survive. This bull is a symbol of New York's people; they are always in a fighting stance trying to survive.

Second, the location of this bull. The bull is located in Bowling Green Park on a cobble stone paved sidewalk. It is not part of the Garden because it is not thriving. If it was around grass, there would be a different signifier. The location of the Bull signifies that he lives on the street, tries to survive, and is in an attacking mode. Ultimately it all comes back to representing the people of New York.

Third, the color bronze. Bronze is an impure metal. It mixes with everything else and sometimes represents judgement. The bull is bronze because just like a New Yorker it mixes with everyone else and competes.

What does it signify? All of these signifiers point to a very interesting conclusion. Just as Jay-Z expresses in his song, the people of New York are naked, exposed, and will not make it. This bull is charging into the ground below. It is naked, exposed, and physically in front of a lot of people in New York. 

Just like the New Yorkers around it, it too is charging the streets, trying to survive. Notice not only its body position, but the aggressive expression of the bull's face.  This face correlates with those characteristics of the people who want to make money and want to survive.

Lastly, the color bronze signifies strength, and mixture. Religiously, Bronze is an impure metal that often means "fires of testing". The Bronze color means this bull is being tested, and must charge ahead to defeat those tests or challenges it faces. Many places say that the bronze bull represents a Wall street worker. While it could represent Wall Street in some way, I think it greater reflects the people of New York. This bull is charging the harsh streets of New York trying to survive; trying to find a job. 

I think whether you are homeless, wealthy, or just an average New Yorker, this bull represents you in some way!

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