Thursday, September 12, 2013

Accidental Art: The Beauty Beside the Trash Can

For my creativity assignment, I looked for accidental art on BYU campus.  As I was walking around, looking for accidental art, I started to notice things like the interesting pattern of dirt scattered on the sidewalk and the beauty and symbolism of weeds growing up through the cracks in the sidewalk.  Something especially interesting that I saw was the pattern of these U-shaped stains in the sidewalk near a trash can by the SWKT.  These rust-colored, randomly positioned shapes formed a fascinating pattern in the concrete.  Together with the overlapping twigs and leaves, I believe this forms something very beautiful.
I walk past this garbage can almost every day, and I've never noticed these stains before.  In all of the time I've spent walking around campus, I've never paused to try to see the meaning in things like dirt, weeds, and leaves.  This assignment made me realize that beauty can be found in even the most seemingly insignificant things, if I only take the time and creativity to look for it.


  1. That's pretty nasty but still very pretty art. Who would of thought the nasty stains by a garbage can could look cool.

  2. I like how you looked somewhere that nobody else would really think of- a trash can- and find art near it. Makes me wanna look at grubby places to find beauty! Sweet

  3. I like how you looked somewhere that nobody else would really think of- a trash can- and find art near it. Makes me wanna look at grubby places to find beauty! Sweet

  4. I like this! Looks like someone forgot about some metal objects and left them laying there during a storm. It makes me wonder what the objects were.

  5. I would be curious to see what made those U shapes. I wonder if you could find similar stains around other trash cans or elsewhere on campus. Maybe you could solve the mystery.

  6. I agree with everyone else. I liked how you took something that most of us would consider very unattractive and find the art and beauty in it.

  7. Nice! I noticed similar things as I was walking around campus. I liked the patterns in the dirt that were created by the rain fall, or the rain gutters that were filled with colorful leaves and berries with water rushing over them. What normally is considered garbage, or gross, actually looked really cool on camera!

  8. Interesting that we can find art next to a trashcan. It definitely takes an eye looking for art to find it in places like that.

  9. I did not interpret your pictures like you did at all but I thought they were awesome accidental art and kind of like that we saw art and found it to me different things.

  10. Honestly I don't see anything there, but I'm glad you did! The fact that what you saw had an impact on you and not really for me is interesting in itself.
