Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Accidental art: water, meet spiderweb

As I was walking home from work, a shining array of water droplets caught my eye. I stopped to the side of the walkway and sat down next to the coursing stream. Tucked between some rocks, cement and the stream was an intricate spiderweb housing dozens of clear water drops. Even though spider webs are gross, they look so complicated and pretty. Even though water is clear, it catches light and is beautiful.This fascinating combination with a natural and secluded background qualifies the wet spiderweb as nature's art. The spider didn't know if would create a canvas, and the water didn't plan on being paint. But two seemingly plain things came together to create something extraordinary.


  1. This was an awesome shot and super cool to have the spiderweb right in the middle. One of the coolest pictures on here.

  2. I'm glad somebody picked a spiderweb! It is amazing what nature produces naturally. What's cool is when nature meets man-made areas, like a sidewalk.

  3. This is beautiful. I love the rain on spiderwebs and how they water droplets catch and suspend.

  4. Pretty cool to look at the water droplets still as drops hanging there.
