Thursday, September 12, 2013

Finding Americana, Acidental Art

I meant to go on a walk for a couple of hours this morning but I wasn't even five minutes from my house when this house struck me for some reason. It's just a tiny single story house with a big tree in the front yard accompanied by a tire swing. I always loved all things Americana. Not necessarily in in a patriotic heart-swelling way, but rather as a cultural longing of sorts. Having grown up in Detroit in a neighborhood that mostly comprised of Southeast-Asians and Indian immigrants I never did the whole baseball and apple pie bit. I'm not saying I'd prefer to eat burgers and hot dogs over tempura or curry (because I don't), but it is none the less a quintessential part of American Culture that I've never really participated in despite having never lived outside of the US. My America was much more the melting pot America and not so much the Brady Bunch America. So I always find homes that look like they belong to THAT America to be interesting.


  1. I thought this was interesting-there are several locales in Provo that have Americana iconography

  2. I love the way that you described this! I'm also a very big fan of the "Brady Bunch America" as you stated it. I love finding things like this, and this house with the tree out front and the tire swing really capture the iconic Americana essence. It's very nostalgic.

  3. Matt, just say the word and I'll push you in a tire swing and buy you a push pop and some cracker jacks.

  4. I can totally relate, seeing this picture totally reminds me of the fourth of july and barbecues.
