Sunday, January 10, 2016

Adam Richardson's Tour of Provo

Here are a few images that I found in Downtown Provo that I thought were interesting. The first included the Happy Holliday signs posted on Center Street on Provo that were sponsored by Coca-Cola. It was interesting how many Coca-Cola advertisements were found on Center Street. The second photo was message that was found on a power box to all who walk by and take time to peek up from their phones and look. I also found a park in the middle of downtown provo located behind India Palace and other business. The tiny park included a sculpture of man holding up the American Flag. Another interesting find was a canoe strapped to the back of an RV seemingly ready for the cold to go away. The last great find was a tree house only about two blocks from downtown Provo. I couldn't help but think of a child pretending that the house was a boat or a spaceship while local businesses worry about how they will survive another month so nearby.

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