Sunday, January 10, 2016

Single Story: WCCM's - Spencer Andersen

The group that I believe is a victim of a single story, is the White Conservative Christian Male. If you don't think that there is prejudice against this group, that's just the point. The very prejudice against these WCCM's is that the world shines on them and they face little hardship. Being one myself, perhaps I'm noticing it more than most, but WCCM's always seem to find themselves in hot water if ever they suggest that their lives are anything but perfect.

People tend to cite statistics showing the disparity in education, income, and imprisonment to validate their argument that WCCM's have it easy. In fact, many people not only cite this as a byproduct of an unfair society, but as its cause as well. In the eyes of many minority groups, WCCM's are not only exempt from suffering, but the root cause of all injustices and imbalances within society, be they racial or otherwise.

It is also assumed that all WCCM's are middle to upper class and therefore cannot relate to the problems of "normal every-day people". This simply is not true. In fact, many gun-toting, Jesus-loving caucasian dudes are in the poor house. Many live paycheck to paycheck, or collect food stamps just like everyone assumes African-Americans do (which we also know is false).

So, next time you're on Facebook and you see one of your white male friends go on a rant about Obama's policies in the name of Jesus, find them and give them a hug. They need it just as much as a black person.


  1. I really like all the artifacts that you used, Spencer. Your analysis was great!

  2. Daring analysis! I like it. It would have been cool to see something besides memes to support your cause, like a news story or something.
